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Orwigsburg Little League

Orwigsburg Little League

News Detail


Feb, 2022

Mandatory Fundraiser 2022

We have a mandatory fundraiser for OLL players.  This year we are selling R&K Subs (pretzel sandwiches and subs).  Each player is required to sell eight items.  

Pretzel Sandwiches are $6 each, here is the order form: rksubs-pretzelorderform22.pdf
Subs are $7 each, here is the order form: rksubs-suborderform22.pdf

Money and order forms must be turned in by March 18th.  Drop off is from 6-8pm at the Memorial Vestibule.

Pickup is Wednesday, March 30th from 4 to 5:30pm at the pavilion at Memorial Building Field.

If you are not interested in selling sandwiches/subs, there is a buyout option.  It is $30 per player.  This is also due by March 18th.

Checks can be made payable to OLL.

As in years past, OLL will be offering a $1 refund on every item sold, over the 8 item minimum.  This gives families a chance to earn back their registration money.  We have had several players "play for free" with this option.  Please turn in the correct, full amount and OLL will refund in a timely manner.


Orwigsburg Little League
PO Box 391 
Orwigsburg, Pennsylvania 17961

Email: [email protected]

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